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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ramona ride

Well here it is Sunday night and relaxing after a very hilly and warm day on the bike. I believe it was a bout 75 miles with about 3900 feet of climbing and it started from early on and seemed we were never far from another uphill climb. I can't remember the last time I rode my bike in that much sunshine for that long a period of time. It got pretty warm and with all the climbing it was a pretty tough day in the saddle as I am still feeling the pain in my quads from today's efforts.
Had a good chat with many of the XX1090 Scott & BR Cycling Team riders today getting to hear what went on during the Thursday meeting that I missed due to a late YMCA bus pickup. It seems that we will be meeting again this Thursday at one of the MDC co-chairman's house for a social and some fundraising idea help. As the clock ticks on fundraising our window on team fundraising is getting smaller by the week. Seemed one of our fearless leaders Mr Scott Kaplan from the XX1090 morning show was there after getting an epidural shot to help with his bulging disc which is causing some sciatica issues. Good to see him back on the bike and with the group.
Well seems I will have a tough week trying to find time to ride this week. As we get further along in the Sunday rides we need to up our weekly mileage and this week might be a bit tough to do so with so many things going on around the house. As much as I hate it I may be forced to jump on the trainer for a few hours late at night....ugh!!!
Well back to today's ride, we all pretty much stayed together for the 1st 22 miles which is where the 1st SAG was at. After that it was into Ramona and up some pretty good hills so with about 10 miles to go before the 2nd SAG I decided the guys were going a bit slow up a hill so I took off and worked the hill pretty good taking Dave and John along with me for the next 10 miles as we worked together and got to the SAG about 5 minutes before the rest of the group. Then again after the 2nd SAG we were all together and when we went up a hill about 3 miles past the SAG the group which was in mile 58 just seemed tired so I stepped it up a bit and this time I dragged 4 others with me, Dave, John, and 2 other guys and we all worked pretty good together all the way to Solana Beach finishing about 10 minutes before the rest of group 3.
Next week I will give group 2 a try to see how it goes since it is the beginning of a new cycle and we are going just 40 miles so I should be able to handle the shorter distance with the higher speeds. Since I will be on the lower end of training mileage this week it will be a good time for a short ride. Looking forward to a new challenge and some higher speeds, just hope I am up to the challenge.

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