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Thursday, August 19, 2010

mid week ride

Well it seems like it is getting harder and harder to get out of the house mid week due to longer hours at work. Normally I would try to get home around 5:15 and roll out at 5:30 and do a nice 2 hour ride somewhere locally. So yesterday was that day as I rolled out at 5:30 and decided to do a TT to Chino Farms and beat my post work ride time of 51 minutes. It was hot and a bit windy but felt strong on the bike and made the 15.5 mile trip in 47 minutes, just 2 minutes off my best Saturday morning time. Finished the loop by heading over to via de la valle and up to the 101 and then south back to Carmel valley road and then home. In total it was about 31 miles and I covered it in 1:50 which was a good ride even with the heat.
Things are going smoothly with the training as I start to get a little gym time in here at home, maybe 2x a week to strengthen the legs. I also stepped on the scale thig morning and am my lowest weight since the '98 Honolulu Marathon weighing in at 181 lbs. If I can get the legs stronger and get down to my desired 178 I think it will work out for me on the bike in training and also coming down the coast. And to think I was weighing in at 193 after returning from Japan on July 19th, so in one month I have lost 12 lbs, with no paid diet. Of course I do have an in house Nutrisionist with my lovely wife Sayaji making sure I get all the right stuff to keep me lean and strong for the bike.
Well today is normally a bike day but not sure what I will do after getting the girls. Possibly a very light ride or maybe some cross training is in order, we will see. Today is another elimination for the XX1090 Scott and BR Cycling Team as we cut from 8 riders down to 7 riders. With winning the immunity challenge last Sunday I am safe from this weeks cut, which is a great feeling as the group gets smaller. I will also be on local radio station XX1090am around 8:45am to talk about what has been going on thus far, should be fun.

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