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Friday, August 6, 2010

recovery week

Well we were told to use the recovery weeks as a time to rest and let the body recover from 3 weeks of intense riding. So that is just what I did not touching the bike since the long tough ride last Sunday. However the time has come to get back on the bike first thing tomorrow morning and do a light and easy 2 hours. Just want to loosen up the legs a bit and then if I feel up to it I will make my first journey to Group 2 on Sunday for the 48 miler with the CAF/MDC riders.
I am battling a bit of the stomach bug I got from what I believe was some bad tuna. My stomach has been in knots all day and I have not eaten since 1pm and it is now 11pm. So the ride tomorrow will depend on how the stomach feels in the morning.
Well if all goes well and I can get some time with the bike I am hoping to have a big week riding on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday most likely getting in about 200 miles or so those 4 days if all goes well. But we will have to wait and see what the plans are for getting the girls from YMCA camp.
Ok short and sweet today as a kind of busy Saturday is planned.

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