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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

2 days in the saddle

Well as the girls start daily YMCA it is going to be a bit tougher to try and figure out what days I can ride and what days I have to pick them up at Toby Wells YMCA which would mean no riding that day. This week my ride days were Monday and Tuesday so I took advantage of it and headed out on my Chino Farms ride on MOnday which was about an hour and forty minutes and 30 miles round trip. A nice little spin after 68 miles on Sunday and a few little rollers to get me out of the saddle. It would have been a bit longer but got I got a late start chatting with the girls prior to them all going to the driving range.
Today I wanted to do a little hammering down at Fiesta Island and I invited the XX1090 radio group but it might have ben a bit late when I let them know as no one wanted to circle the island with me. So I headed out as a solo rider promply at 5pm and planned on doing 2 hours and 40 miles. Well the wind was howling more then I had seen before and it was a tough ride but I wanted to get some miles in so I put the head down and set out.
I noticed a gathering of other riders during the 5 o'clock hour and it seemed there was going to be more riders sharing the island with me. As it turned out there was a very large group of about 50 riders who all started around 6pm and were doing the small loop as I was doing the larger loop. They were all roadies and much faster then I was but not as fast as the Thursday night "world championship" ride which is usually about 80 riders and just blazing around the island. If the guys on Thursday are doing 27-28 then these guys were doing 24-25. I wanted to try and joing in for one lap to see if I could hang but we never seemed to meet in the right spot, oh well.
Well today my goal was to do 4 laps each harder then the previous and ending with the 4th just balls out all on the big loop. Followed by a 1/2 speed cool down lap on the smaller loop then repeat the 4 large laps again hopefully faster then the 1st set. Well to get loose I did the 1st lap in 14 minutes and finished the 4 laps in 50:30, which means the final 3 laps were in 36:30. Not sure if that is good or what but it seemed pretty fast considering the wind.
During my small loop cool down I was trying to figure out what I was going to do time wise for the next 4 laps. I picked 12:30 for the first 3 laps and then let it all go on the final lap to see if I could make it under 49 minutes. Well the first 2 were right on the money and the 3rd was a at 12 even and the final lap was at 11 minutes for a 48 minute total. The final 4 laps were very consistent and I could really feel it in my legs the final 2 laps. After some quick calculations it seems I was about 21mph in the windy conditions and all alone with no drafting, so mission accomplished for the day.
Final #'s were:
Watts average; 196
1st 4 laps: 50:30 with a 14:00 warm up 1st lap
2nd 4 laps 48:00 with an 11:00 final lap
Total miles riden: 36
Total ride time: 1:48 with a small loop cool down between sets

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