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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Back on the road again...

Well here it is July 25th and my first day back with the CAF MDC group after a 4 week absence for our 3 week trip to Japan. I know I had lost a lot of fitness and gained about 8 pounds during that 3 weeks away from the bike and had originally decided to join group 4 today. But after seeing about 6-7 radio contestants in group 3 this morning I felt that was where I needed to be and jumped in with them. I am glad I did as it was a good pace and actually I felt pretty good during and now 3 hours after the 68 mile bike ride.
Today's weather I am sure had a lot to do with it as the cloud cover was great most of the way as we covered the 68 miles in 4 hours heading from Del Mar out to Bonsil and then to the 76 bike path to the coast and down the coast back to Del Mar. I will be doing 1 more week with group 3 and then giving group 2 a try as I am guessing once I get back into better shape that is the right group for me. And who knows maybe one week during one of the 40 mile weeks I may even give group 1 a try, but that might be a few months away.
The radio contestants had a chance to chat during and after the ride to discuss fundraising and if there is something we can all do as a group. We got a few ideas and will meet either this week or next week locally here to discuss what, when and where we will be doing something. This seems like a very ambitious group this year and all I can hope for is to make it as far as possible in the radio contest before having to switch jerseys to my CAF Alumni jersey. This week the radio vote will be announced on Wednesday morning during the XX1090 Scott & BR radio show between the hours of 5am and 9am pst. I am hoping to get enough votes to get the 2 week immunity that comes along with the person who gets the most votes, but not sure if I can get it or not.
Okay that may be it for now. Going to try and get in 3-4 days of riding this week prior to Sunday which I believe will be about 75 miles but with lots of hills.

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