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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Well here we are July 22nd and my 1st week back from 3 wonderful weeks in Japan with my family. As I thought there was very little riding or physical activity as the temps and humidity were way up there and just a lot of walking and eating. So 7 pounds later here I am trying to get this body and these legs and this ass back into some form of riding shape for this Sunday's CAF ride.
This week I have ridden 3X, Monday was a "get to know your bike" day around Fiesta Island, slow and easy averaging about 17mph. Wednesday was a bit more as I went a full 2 hours around Fiesta Island with 2 laps pushing real hard going 11:12 and 10:51 on laps 4 and 8. Felt a bit better but a long way to go to bet back the form I had prior to leaving for Japan. Then today was a hill interval day between Sorrento Valley and Fairbanks Ranch doing that loop 2X for about 26 miles and little flats, just up and down the hills so it was good to actually get out of the saddle.
While coming home I heard my rear tire losing air and will take the bike to TREK tomorrow to have them replace the wheel tape and give me a new tube. Also I need to get a few things for this coming summers rides while I am there. I will be joining Group 4 this Sunday which is the slowest of the 4 groups so I can get back into some decent shape and also to mingle with a different set of people since we are not sure who gets to vote on who stays and who goes with each weeks eliminations, so better to suck up and meet everyone.
My Pepsi CAF donation/raffle is coming to an end with the final drawing to be held on July 29 where I will be giving away 11 great prizes that were donated. I am not sure how much has been raised so far but I am guessing maybe $1,000 which is great cause Pepsi will match that $1,000 and turn the total donation to CAF at $2,000+. That will put me right around $5,400 which is just over 1/2 way there to my final goal of a lofty $10,000. Not sure just how I am going to get the rest but hoping for good things to happen somewhere.
Well it is late and Napua is having her 8th birthday party tomorrow so I better get some rest as it will be a long day. Hope to get my bike back the same day so I can do a little ride on Saturday before the big ride of 63 miles on Sunday.

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