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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reaching New Heights

Well the CAF/MDC XX1090 Scott & BR Cycling Team did a very hilly 93 miles on Sunday and it was my farthest ride to date. With all those hills (4,400 feet of climbing) I was not too sure what to expect or how my body was going to hold up. The pace was pretty slow I thought and I wore my heart rate monitor for the 1st time all year just to get an idea what I was doing while riding.
There were 4 major climbs and those were really the only places where I decided to hit it harder then normal. The rest was just an easy group ride with lots of chatting among the riders. We finished in just under 6 hours of riding time and I had an average heart rate of 134, which I am not sure what that means but it is a good starting point.
On Tuesday I headed over to the island for my 1st weekday ride in 3 weeks. I met up with Brian and we rode F.I. for about 90 minutes and joined in a group of maybe 25 riders in a good rotating paceline for maybe 40 minutes give or take. It started off pretty nice but at the end it was really going and I could not finish the whole hour ride. After downloading the info I noticed my top speed was 30.4 mph and i averaged around 19 for the whole ride. I will be heading back tomorrow to do my 1st FTP test for 30 minutes and looking forward to seeing what I can do for an all out effort.

Well tomorrow is going to be a big day for the XX1090 team as they will be cutting 2 riders from the team which will leave just 2 riders left. I am not sure how this will unfold and there are a few scenarios which are easy for the station and a few which can make it tougher so we will just have to wait and see how this whole thing unfolds. I really wish there was a way to get all 4 riders down the coast and not leave 1 or 2 not to go. THey will have something on the radio at 6:55am so I hope I can listen as that is prime time for chasing the girls around to get ready for school so we will see.

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