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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reflecting on 1st month of CAF riding

Well here is it the 1st 4 week block completed and getting ready to start the next 4 week phase of our CAF/MDC training program. Met lots of really nice people and gotten in some good riding and a nice gym workout with coach Patrick Jak from Fitness Quest 10.
So far the fundraising has been the toughest part by far and since this is my 1st time giving it a try I seem to be learning a bit each day, but still very hard. I am not the kind of person to ask people for help and would rather fail 10x and then finally get it right before asking for help, that is just me. So when it comes to asking people to donate that is tough or asking people to help out and donate a gift to my Pepsi fundraising that is also very tough. I wish I could say it is getting easier but really it is not. But seems the Pepsi fundraising is going okay and I have collected 8 gifts so far to give away to those who buy raffle tickets and will be lucky enugh to get the # drawn. My goal at work will be to raise $1K and to have Pepsi match it with another $1K for a $2K total from work. This fundraising raffle will last for 6 weeks and hope I can meet my goals. I have some great help from a few ladies there Nurse Monica and Becky North who have done this in the past and are giving me great advice.
Today I was reflecting on just why I am doing this and how it has motivated me to really work hard and knwing how someone will personally benefit from all the hard work and sleepless nights I am having trying to figue out just how to make all this work. When I think back at the last San Diego Triathlon Challege held at La Jolla Cove back in November and I was there doing the 56 mile bike ride just 95 days post spinal fusion #2 and all the people who were out supporting this great cause. But what rally got me was the stage presentation of the Operation Rebound folks and also the young kids whowere getting their very first CAF devices and to see the smile on their faces, just got to me, and that is why I am here today doing what I am doing.
I am really touched by the number of people who have donated that I have never even met before all through Facebook. They are all great people and I am glad to have them in my corner and will try very hard not to let them down.
Well since this my 1st attempt at a blogging I better end this now. I hope to get on here once a week to tell what all has been happening on my CAF/MDC journey.

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