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Friday, June 18, 2010

Fiesta Island

Well just wanted to make notes about certain rides and Thursday was Fiesta Island. The goal was 2 hours and 40 miles and I was like 2 hours and 40.15 or so and I took one toilet break around the 45 minute mark. I used both laps, the big loop for the 1st hour and the smaller loop witht he World Championship riders the 2nd hour. They are good motivation to keep one going and I felt prety tired afterwards but pretty sure I can still hit it harder.
Trying to get some last minute mileage prior to being off the bike for 3 weeks while on vacation. I don't want to lose all I have gained during the 3 weeks in Japan so some creative workouts will have to do. Looking forward to some quality time with Sayaji and the girls while away and hope to take tons of photos to post everywhere.
Fundraising at Pepsi is going nicely as I am up to 9 donated prizes to give away with a chance to get a few more. My goal for $ raised at Pepsi will be $1K with a company match of another $1K so a nice $2K goal would be nice and that will get me to the 1/2 way mark of my lofty goal.

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