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Saturday, October 2, 2010

And the Winner is.............

Well the XX1090 Scott & BR Cycling Team contest finally came to an end this past Thursday around 6:40am and there were smiles all over the place. I brought Napua and Kiana down along with me as I have done previously as they have been my inspiration for getting back into shape and on the bike after my 2nd back surgery. They got to see me hours after a major 6 hour back surgery and how bad I looked days after the surgery and the look on their face pretty much said it all as they looked scared to see their dad look the way he did. So I wanted them to see 1st hand what a little hard work and determination can do for someone and to never give up.

Even for me not knowing days after the surgery just what was lying ahead but I knew if I worked hard and smart something good would come from it. So about 9 months after the surgery I was back to work doing my old job and also back on the bike with my sights set on doing the Challenged Athletes Foundation Million Dollar Challenge this year. So I jumped in feet first right into the deep end and had no idea what I was getting into when it comes to trying to fund raise $10K in 5 months for the very first time. For someone who has never fund raised before trying to raise just #1K is a tough thing to do, so imagine what I had to do when it came to trying for $10K.

So when the big day came in August and I hit the end of my fundraising there was a sense of satisfaction that there was a job well done and I had helped a few people along the way. Once that day came it was radio contest mode and I tried to focus on trying to get into the final 5 riders and with a little luck into the top 3. As it turned out getting a few immunities and raising a good chunk of funds helped get me into the final 5 and eventually the final 2 riders.

So here we were last Thursday on the air with Scott and BR as they made us squirm a bit going back and forth asking some questions wanting to know how we did it and what winning meant to us. Then the moment came and even then I was still unsure who was going to be the winner and then Scott read the name....the winner is........Chris Glossner!!!!! What a journey this radio contest has been and honestly I can say it was all worth while not so much for being chosen the winner but from all the really nice people I have met this summer. For someone who does not get out too much I really looked forward to each and every Sunday because I knew I was going to meet someone new or get to know someone a bit better.

When I first started this my intentions were to raise the money, do the ride and then retire from cycling to spend more time with the family. It will be tough to just walk away from all these new friends I have met.So I will have to figure out what I am going to do since the winner of the radio contest is supposed to come back and run the team next year, something I am not sure I can do for many reasons.

Well I wanted to take this time to try and thank everyone who had a little hand in making all this possible. But as anyone who tries to do something of this magnitude knows it is impossible to do it alone and the list of people from Facebook friends to the folks at Pepsi to friends to all the bowlers in San Diego to Bill who donated 2 bowling balls to Jim and Robert who got me ball #3 to my lovely wife who put up with all my sleepless nights and countless hours away from the family while training and fundraising, thanks Sweetie!!!

I am not sure if the winner of this contest has any special perks once we hit San Francisco but either way I am looking forward to a ride of a lifetime and it is now less then 2 weeks away.

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